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Sammy Lee

21 posts

Five Posters Printing Tips That You Must Know

Knowing well how to place your images, texts, and other necessary elements on the design of your poster is great as it is very important to create a fantastic design that can communicate the promotional message in an effective way toward the target audience of your campaign. However, there are several tips regarding printing and other aspects that are often forgotten or even not known by many even…
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Why Digital Printing Becomes So Popular Today

At present, you will see the digital printer everywhere around you regardless of office or residential space. Many people show interest to purchase digital printer because of its cost-effective yet high-quality printing. Usually, people use digital printers to print…

Tips for efficient flexographic printing

Flexographicprinting is a type of printing that involves the use of plates. This type of printing is different from other forms of printing. The material for printing withflexographyis on a rollformthat goes through various rotary plates. This…

Setting The Offset Printing With Its Unique Features

In general, offset printing is the process of printing technology. That will make use of the metal plates which has been made from aluminum that can able to transfer the image into certain rubber blankets. Followed by transferring and rolling the image into the paper, this…

Data Analytics Lifecycle

The data analytics lifecycle is a structured approach to extracting valuable insights from data, enabling organizations to make informed decisions and drive business success. This article explores the different stages of the data analytics lifecycle, highlighting the key…